Yegor Bork
3 min readSep 23, 2021

Learn Hypnobirthing — The 5 Techniques to Help You Chill

In the world of Hypnobirthing, childbirth is something that women should look forward to. Hypnobirthing When you are pregnant and you are in labor, it is definitely a very exciting time for you and your baby. However, with all the stress you may go through, it is no doubt that the pain can be unbearable. The pain during pregnancy is caused by many things but primarily it is caused by contractions that stretch your cervix and your uterus. It is the stretching that causes the intense pain. If you want to learn hypnobirthing techniques so that you can be able to deliver your baby safely and without pain, then here are some tips that can help.

Hypnobirthing is an alternative method that was created by the National Health Service (NHS) for the first time in Cardiff in Wales in 2008. At the time, the concept was that labour would be less painful and you would be able to have your baby easily. The results showed that there was indeed a lot of improvement needed when it came to the maternity ward alone.

In the process of learning hypnobirthing, you will learn not only how to have childbirth, but you will also gain a better understanding of the birthing process. It has also been found that through hypnobirthing, there is a lower risk of postpartum depression, anxiety and stress. Women that gave birth via hypnobirthing techniques were far more relaxed and did not feel as much pain as those who gave birth using traditional methods. This is because they were able to relax their muscles before, during and after the labour.

One of the most important aspects of hypnobirthing is deep breathing. This is because you have to use deep breathing in order to bring down the cervix. This means that during the actual labour, you are in total panic as you feel pain all over your body. But by using positive thoughts and visualisation, you can get yourself out of the situation. The use of deep breathing also allows you to relax and breathe with less effort. With positive visualisation, you can think happy thoughts which will help you relax even more.

Once you get into the positive state of mind, the whole body becomes more relaxed. During this time, you will also learn how to deal with the pain. You must know that most women experience intense pain during the first three months of their pregnancy. As such, during hypnobirthing sessions you will learn to face your fears.

The second step is relaxation. With hypnobirthing, it is very important for you to have complete relaxation and attention. You need to focus on nothing else but your breathing and the images that are forming in your mind. It is recommended that you do not look at the music or television because it can distract you from your concentration. Remember to close your eyes during your hypnobirthing session so that you can focus on your breathing and visualisation.

The third technique is proper clothing selection. It has been noted that some women opt for a gown during their hypnobirthing sessions. This is because it makes them feel more comfortable. But if you want to have a peaceful and relaxing labour, it is advisable that you wear something that you can easily get on with. Some of the most common hypnobirthing techniques include positive imagery, deep breathing and deep relaxation.

The fourth and final technique is good self-hypnosis techniques. Self-hypnosis helps you prepare yourself for your labour and also relaxes your mind and body before the birthing experience. In this way, you are able to achieve a calm and relaxed mind. This is done by learning self-hypnosis techniques like relaxation, imagery and positive thinking. Hypnobirthing Online